Ok, so the title may seem a bit outrageous, but it's supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, people. Rather than get interviewed by someone else or perform an autobiography in the vein of a get-to-know-your-host style program, I interviewed my mom about what it was like to raise me.

As we talk about, I hated school and decided to almost completely tune out for the last half of my public education. I was most commonly described by teachers as "smart but he doesn't apply himself." I graduated high school with a 2.01GPA. That whole time, my mom was always about as cool as a person could be in that situation, which is probably why that part of my life hasn't deterred me from doing what I **really** want to do.

If you were kind of an asshole as a kid, this might be an interesting memory jogger. If your kid is kind of an asshole now, this might be informative and relieve your soul a little bit. Or not. I don't pretend to know about stuff like that; I'm just a creative genius with a cool mom.

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Find me, Christopher Tallon, on www.christophertallon.com, or on your favorite socials @TallonWrites.

(My mom doesn't do social media, but I'll tell her you said "Hi")