We spend most of our daily lives with other people, being a mother or father, sister or brother, friend or neighbor, wife or husband, employee or colleague. There are so many hats to wear. So when do we find time to spend with ourselves? In this 11th episode, I dive into the 6 steps to spending time and how to date yourself now and beyond any day.


By participating in listening to my podcast you acknowledge that I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional and my services do not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. Coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counseling or any other type of therapy or medical advice. I will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills, and care. However, I cannot guarantee the outcome of coaching efforts and/or recommendations on my podcast episodes and my comments about the outcome are expressions of opinion only. I cannot make any guarantees other than to deliver the coaching services purchased as described.


My experience and qualifications come from life experience. However, I am not a licensed psychologist or health care professional, and my services don’t replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals. (Though I have many stories to share and triumphs of success to show.) With that comes the standard eye-glaze inducing disclaimer that, no, I cannot actually guarantee the outcome of our coaching efforts and/or recommendations on my website/blog/email series, and my comments about the outcome are expressions of (my very personal) opinion only. But what I can say and guarantee you this, I will do my best to give you good solid advice that makes sense.