Short show this week. Bob does a quick recap on his way to visit a group of art students at Wake Technical Community College. Home work assignments for this week will be collected with the release of the next episode. If you haven’t done your assignment yet there’s still time. Just head on over to […]

The post CI 302: Bob visits Wake Tech first appeared on Creative Independence.

Short show this week. Bob does a quick recap on his way to visit a group of art students at Wake Technical Community College. Home work assignments for this week will be collected with the release of the next episode. If you haven’t done your assignment yet there’s still time. Just head on over to Linked In and sign up for an account. If you’ve already signed up or have an account find the CI group and join up. Say hello to our group and introduce yourself.

Links for this episode include:

Linked In
CI Group on Linked In
Bob’s CI Blog

If you’d like to leave us a message…our call in number is (919)766-0737


The post CI 302: Bob visits Wake Tech first appeared on Creative Independence.