Previous Episode: CI 101: Chris Ventures Forth
Next Episode: CI 201: Fries in a Cup

Welcome to the second episode of illustrator Bob Ostrom’s and multimedia designer Chris Wilson’s new show, Creative Independence! The goal of this show is to explore and highlight the many and varied ways that intelligent and creative people are using their talents to create and run businesses that generage income in ways that are fulfilling […]

The post CI 102: Experiencing Technical Difficulties first appeared on Creative Independence.

Welcome to the second episode of illustrator Bob Ostrom’s and multimedia designer Chris Wilson’s new show, Creative Independence! The goal of this show is to explore and highlight the many and varied ways that intelligent and creative people are using their talents to create and run businesses that generage income in ways that are fulfilling and often do not include billing for hourly, project or any other pay per work rate.

We hope you enjoy it!


Chris and Bob are experiencing technical difficulties with Chris’ audio equipment. Because of this, we’re totally unable to record a skype interview with artist and creator of The Dreamer comic, Lora Innes (


Bob Makes Headway with Twitter:

At about 5 minutes in, Bob relates a few experiences that he’s had using Twitter, and how he was able to leverage the twitter community to help him thru a tough situation in his work.

Twitterati mentioned include:

Application mentioned for categorizing your twitter network:

Measure your twitter influence:

psst… I’ve gone up to 99.8 since we recorded the show

heed me my freelance warriors. There are worlds to be conquered.

Call for Intros (14:20):

We need intros. Record a short intro. Introduce and pimp yourself; who you are, what you do, where we can find you, and then finish with something like “and you’re listening to Creative Independence with Chris and Bob.” Or “Bob and Chris.” The guy in second billing won’t hold it against you. And as always, just be creative. And try to keep it under 30 seconds.

CI Sketchbook (16:20):

Bob has started a new site where artists can have fun. He posts monthly assignments that are pretty open to interpretation. Grab your pencil and drawing pad and head over to:

Set up a profile and start drawing. Remember, just have fun.

Contact Info (22:20):


site –

email – answersforfreelancers (at)



my livestrong account is chronicling my 100 everything challenge, based on the 100 pushups challenge:

The post CI 102: Experiencing Technical Difficulties first appeared on Creative Independence.

Twitter Mentions