Love it or hate it, social media is the top way that most creatives, artists, writers, musicians and creative entrepreneurs can showcase  who they are and what they do. But at some point, many of us have perhaps felt frustrated: social media, or the algorithm, doesn't seem to be working for us anymore. Our old accounts are stale, with low engagement, or they show a version of ourselves that doesn't align with who we are, or who we want to be. Our feeds are clogged with uninspiring content from people we obligation-followed eons ago. 

As multi passionate creatives, once we have determined our brand, clarity in our messaging is key, or maybe we've decided we would be better served by a few separate accounts.

But starting over is daunting. Does it even make sense? Why and how does one wipe the slate clean on social media without losing everything?

Join us as we get drunk on the creative possibilities of starting over.