Taken from my brother Raniera Rewiri 'Plantbased Maori' Planting Seeds podcast. Be sure to follow him for some super insightful conversations with equally insightful guests.

In this episode we delve into some of the habits we've adopted lately that have truely been life changing. What we've both come to realise about habits, or daily rituals, is they are actionable steps that don't require you to be in the perfect frame of mind, or motivated, or inspired to create change. They just require you to show up day in and day out. What has helped to make these habits stick is knowing that these daily rituals are what ultimately will make us become the better versions of ourselves that we already have in our minds and hearts.


I've personally never been able to stick to routines or positive habits. My biggest weakness is and has always been consistency, but this year has been different, and I believe that implementing positive daily rituals has been the answer I've been searching for.


Enjoy and share with who ever you think needs to hear this.

