The holiday season is suppose to be a happy time. Creative Colorful People tries to keep put a smile on your face with this weeks music. There is George Duke, NILS, Funktastic Players, Felycia Pendergrass, Chris Big Dog Davis, Avery Sunshine, Mahalia, Mel Holder featuirng Michelle Brooks Thompson, and Keith Andrew.  More from Rachelle Ferrell and Will Downing, Mindi Abair Vincent Ingala Lindsey Webster and Adam Hawley as one band, Cautious Clay, Dave Koz and Friends and Castella. We close with Mario Rossi, Jimmie Allen and Mickey Guyton, Candy Dulfer, Nona Brown, Jake Bass, Jay Rene', and Maysa. Happy Holidays from all of us!

Thank you for listening and for sharing with family and friends. Have a great time with them all.

Take care of yourself, lookout for your brothers and sisters and God will look out for you all.

Karl Blake
[email protected]