I had a very open and honest conversation with David about his career so far as an artist, photographer, videographer and educator. We go into a particularly dark time after he took on a corporate banking job due to 'expectations' which lead so severe anxiety and depression. As David says in the episode it nearly killed him but

"When your back's against a sheer drop, where else do you go? You grab the only thing that's there and freelancing was there. So I went for it."

He made a hugely positive step by going freelance but the anxiety and depression is still an ongoing issue that David has learned to deal with over time.

We talk about his transition for living and working in Edinburgh and moving up to Dundee. He has a great analogy of how in a big city you can be much more specialised but in smaller cities like Dundee you're far better off being more of a generalist and expanding your skillset.

We also touch on David's approach to his work, how that affects his overall style and his relationship with the kit he uses. He did highlight that one tiny positive to come out of the past few years is the acceptance of grainy zoom footage.

This is a really open and honest episode fitting that it's the first one back after almost 18months.

