Previous Episode: 55 - Fleet Collective
Next Episode: 57 - Ali McGill

This week I’m joined by Dr Jennifer Jones. Who is many things: educator, digital ethnographer, social media & digital storyteller, citizen journalist and long dog lover.

She moved to Dundee after completing her PhD in citizen journalism based largely around the Vancouver Olympics. From what we chatted about it seems like Dundee was an opportunity for her to get a clean break and she’s arrived like an absolute whirlwind. It’s great to see passionate, talented and driven people being drawn to Dundee and everything it has to offer. If we want to grow our creative community these are the kinds of people we need.

It already seems like she’s embedded herself into Dundee’s creative community and got to work making a difference. As far as I can tell Jennifer’s talent lies in empowering people to use storytelling authentically and effectively across a whole range of media.

We get into talking about her approach to sharing on social media and despite a very open and honest approach Jennifer reveals that there’s plenty she would never post online. We also delve into issues surrounding mental health and how we could all benefit from being much more open and honest sometimes.

If you caught her Pecha Kucha you will know the story of the escape of her dog Rosie and the eventual rescue. In the episode Jennifer tells the full length version of the story and the highs and lows of getting help from an online community.

After I first met Jennifer she mentioned that she was thinking of starting up a podcast and now nearly a year on she unveils her topic. So hopefully now that it’s out in the open she’ll get to recording her first episodes. The more podcasts the better in Dundee.

Jennifer's Twitter -

Jennifer's Website -

Recovery Dundee -

Harvey’s Army -

Service Design Academy -

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