Alex Manzi is the creator of the podcast “In the moment with Alex Manzi” where he chats to people from different backgrounds about their outlook on mental health and creativity.

Running for 3 years, he has nearly 250,000 listens. The experiences he has had while running the podcast, as well as being the social media producer for Radio 1 Xtra for 4 years have led him to some realizations about how he motivates himself.

In this episode, we talk about: How to effectively communicate to someone what you are passionate about, whether uni is the right route for all and how he motivates himself to create

Books we talk about:
The Alchemist / Celestine Prophecy

A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle

Awakening of Intelligence - Krishnamurti

If you want to find him on social media he is @iamalecmanzi and @inthemomentpod

Creative Catalyst Instagram:
