This episode has the potential to rock your world (truly). If you would like to laugh more, a swift kick in the behind, the lift yourself from a slump, to feel more joy, to enjoy parenting more, to appreciate your job more - to feel more positive about your entrepreneurial journey or job search and even (and here's a big claim) to pick yourself up from the doldrums about what's happening in the world - this 15 minute episode can bring some much needed levity into your day.

How you ask? Well, ultimately through exploration of the theory that there's no happiness without gratitude. In this episode I discuss 2 phrases that I believe we should be consistently using daily (which can contribute to happiness) and explore how an easy, cost-free shift in attitude can have a remarkable impact on our life and goals.

Whether you're a working parent or not, much of today's episode is very relatable and I hope you like it, share it and (as a bonus) review the podcast over on iTunes.