I am insanely excited to invite you to listen to this interview. Seriously. When I dreamed up this podcast and thought about the guests I would want to interview for you... Helen was at the top of my list.

Today's episode is an interview with Helen McGuire, mum of two, former comms professional and erstwhile DJ... and now co-founder and managing director of Hopscotch ME. Hopscotch ME is more than a recruitment company, it is a platform for professional women - and is on a mission to make flexible working for professional women a reality in the Middle East. Wherever in the world you are, this episode is a must listen for mamas in the working world (or those wanting to re-enter it).

Within the space of 28 minutes (finishing just before Helen needed to leave the office to head home to her little ones) - we discussed her career journey from media, to PR to recruitment (with 2 babas appearing along the way), discussed what Helen refers to as "The Mummy Time Zone", how to build your confidence and really focused on some great advice / experience sharing when it comes to flexible working and how it can work for you. You also gain an insight into the kinds of companies who are taking this seriously... and so much more.

As you will tell by my enthusiasm as I interviewed her, I am thrilled to be speaking to Helen here and I can't wait to hear about what you take away from this episode. Remember, you can share your thoughts over on the Limitless Coaching Facebook page. Enjoy and don't leave me hanging... let me know your thoughts (remember, you can leave a review about this podcast on iTunes too).