(... even when sleep deprived!). When you are a working mama / working parent / hell... working anybody, it is important to get in a positive mind space if you are hoping to have a positive day. This episode outlines 5 specific ways you can work towards having a spring in your step and a mindset to help you embrace the day. (Oh... and it also includes a bunch of reasons - lol - reasons not excuses as to why I don't currently do one of these recommended things in the morning) This episode was recorded at silly o-clock in the wee hours of the morning when my two loves were sleeping and I had umpteen podcast ideas rattling around my head. I hope you love it. Anything I can create which will help you support, inspire and empower you when it comes to your career and (parenting) lifestyle is absolutely my pleasure.Don't forget to head over to the Limitless Coaching page on Facebook to start or contribute to a conversation about this episode AND to iTunes to leave a review about the show (which is likely to help more working parents make their way here)