Precious Hannah is currently a Footwear Designer for the Jordan Brand. She started her career at Nike as an intern and worked her way to footwear design – her passion and her goal. She is also a Pensole alum, a design academy that educates and challenges the next generation of product creators to be successful in the industry through classes and competition.


In Hannah’s words, “Don’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon”. Tell her she can’t do it- challenge accepted. Her teachers introduced her to sleepless nights at the age of 15 paired with an understanding what hard work is and where hard work will get you if you’re persistent. She was pretty certain I wanted to change the world at the age of 16. Now a mom of a little one and if anyone has pushed her in my career he’s been one of her biggest motivators.


Key Questions answered by Precious:

  • How to build a network and utilize it
  • Advice for people who want to be a shoe designer
  • Advice for women in the workplace


Precious Discusses:

  • When did her creative journey begin
  • Adjusting to different environments
  • How you can change/be impactful in someone’s life
  • Importance of having a supportive network
  • Being pregnant in the workplace
  • Dealing with the challenges of being a woman of color in Corporate America

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Social Media Info

Precious Hannah website: 


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Shereen Kassam Facebook

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Precious Hannah - @preshush

FunnyBrownGirl – @funnybrowngirl

Connect on Twitter:

FunnyBrownGirl – @funnybrowngirl






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