On today’s show, we catch up with past CYOP guests Maritza and Roshaun Davis of the Sacramento Kings and Unseen Heroes, respectively, to talk about Maritza’s recent decision to take on a full-time role outside of Unseen Heroes and what it’s meant for their business, their family and their personal career goals. We also talk about what it’s been like for Roshaun as he’s taken the reins at Unseen Heroes, why he’s assessing how they want to scale the business next and what he does to stay grounded when both he and Maritza are moving a million miles a minute.

Unseen Heroes websiteUnseen Heroes on InstagramRoshaun on InstagramThe Sacramento Kings websiteThe Sacramento Kings on InstagramMaritza on InstagramCapitol FloatsDigital Minimalism by Cal NewportArt by Malia TongTechnical production by Ray OrtegaMe on InstagramThe official CYOP Instagram accountGet the Creative Digest