Today’s show is an interview with multidisciplinary artist Tia Keo. Her story is one I think many of us can relate to — especially if we’ve been working creatively for a while.

In the episode, we discuss how she’s been playing with different mediums over the years to stay creatively inspired and to combat the burnout that comes with working in one medium for so long. We also chat about the dangers of the creative hustle — pushing and pushing to find success — and how she’s discovered a certain amount of flow that is opening up opportunities she may have never considered.

I loved hearing how intentional Tia is about creating habits while also making space for the unexpected. I hope you’ll get just as much as I did from this interview.


Tia's website
Tia on Instagram
Tia's laser cut jewelry designs at Silvercocoon
Art by Malia Tong
Technical production by Ray Ortega
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The official CYOP Instagram account
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