In Part 2 of this 3 part series, Jason Hartman breaks down the ingredients of a house, otherwise known as “the improvement.” Jennifer, the insurance agent, is a key to understanding the land versus improvement value, and George Gammon shares an exhausting experience with lot subdivision and development. Eric, the appraiser comes out with good news prompting the question, “how would you allocate the new value between the two primary components, land and improvement?”

Key Takeaways:

[8:13] CPA (Cost Per Action) and is it applicable in a Real Estate Investment

[13:37] The ingredients of a house starting with raw materials

[16:46] “When I’m looking at an income property... I look at it as though I’m buying a stream of cash flow.”

[13:38] The ingredients of a house, labor costs

[24:06] The ingredients of a house, regulations

[27:20] The ingredients of a house, cost of energy

[29:05] “How do I know the land value vs the improvement value?”
