Jason Hartman and Adam begin the show discussing how half of the potential home buyers are currently throwing in the towel because they can't find a house in their budget. They're getting discouraged and losing hope for the future as well, causing a surge in renters. As an investment property owner, that puts you in a fantastic position.

Then Jason talks with Nely Galan, former president of Telemundo and author of Self-Made: Becoming Empowered, Self-Reliant and Rich In Every Way, about her journey up the corporate ladder and why she got in to investing in commercial properties. Nely took the dramatic step of leaving a solid, promising job in network TV to become employee #1 at a small startup called Telemundo. Nely explains how you can use your early jobs to prepare yourself for your own success and why sacrifice is necessary.

Key Takeaways:

[4:39] Since the Great Recession homebuilders have just ignored investment priced properties

[7:07] One reason why Jason doesn't like owning a primary residence

[11:31] The number of adults who think they'll buy a home in the next year has dropped from 24% to 12% since the start of 2018

Nely Galan Interview:

[14:44] Make mistakes on other people's dime so you can succeed when you go out on your own

[19:34] Being employee #1 can be worth it

[21:09] Every job you do teaches you something that eventually leads to mastery

[24:07] Why Nely wrote Self Made

[27:59] You have to be willing to sacrifice something to get something better


