When it comes to marketing, most businesses guess. 

Donald Miller wrote Marketing Made Simple to help businesses create marketing that actually works. The book will give you a step by step guide on what to do to connect with customers. 

Story is the hidden language we all speak. If you don't use stories in your marketing, you will not connect with people. 

You are in business to solved a problem. If you don't solve a problem and transform people, you've got no story and no business. 

Marketing Made Simple breaks down marketing into this simple plan:

Creating a landing page in a specific way with specific language. Have a lead generator that makes people want to give up their email address. Send some emails to build trust and offer free value. Close the deal with a sales campaign after you have built trust.

Between Donald's last two books, Building a StoryBrand and Marketing Made Simple, you can implement a simple, clear marketing plan to get more leads and earn more customers. 

To learn more, visit StoryBrand.com