Every organization has team members resign. Some of the people who leave are popular. Some of them fill an important role in the organization. 

How you handle the resignation will have an impact on other employees. 

Begin by telling the right people in the right order about the resignation. Doing so will eliminate the wrong story getting into the rumor mill. Within a couple of hours, everyone who needs to know should know. Then you can let other team members know. 

Communicate quickly and keep it positive. 

At Disney, I had senior executives leave the company for better opportunities. I didn't want them to leave, but people are going to do what is best for them and their careers. 

Don't burn bridges. Always keep it positive whether you are the one leaving or someone left behind. 

When I left Marriott, I told Bill Marriott first. Then I talked to my direct boss. I even helped them work on transitioning a new person into my role. 

Marriott treated me well over the years. When I left, I wanted to treat them well, too. And I did not take any people with me to Disney, even though there were people who wanted the opportunity to join me at Euro Disney. 

Remember, your career does not revolve around a single company. And you shouldn't expect anyone else to have their career revolve around your organization.