When you have a tough day at work, you have to find a way to let it go before you get home. 

If you are a pain in the neck at home, your family won't want to see you after a workday. 

I have been there myself. 

My wife, Priscilla, once asked me if I could try making a little magic at home. When my son was 14, he suggested I sit in the hot tub when I get home because everything was fine before I got there. 

I needed those reminders. If you let this go on too long, it becomes hard to recover. 

You have to be able to lead yourself before you can lead anyone else, whether at home or work. 

When you have a tough day at work, you have to find a way to let it go before you get home. 

Routine relaxes me. When I was EVP of Walt Disney World, my routine was to workout at the gym between leaving work and arriving home. 

Exercise makes you feel better. When you feel better, you act better. 

Find an intermission before you arrive home. Maybe a commute is enough of a break if you use it the right way. 

Be deliberate. Consider what would make you feel better? What would help you leave a tough day at work so you can let it go before you get home? 


You can pre-order Dan Cockerell's book, How's the Culture in Your Kingdom, HERE