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Are you planning on claiming the Adoption Tax Credit when you file your taxes this year? If so, this is the podcast for you! We talk with two of the top experts in the US on the Adoption Tax Credit: Becky Wilmoth, an Enrolled Agent and Adoption Tax Credit Specialist with Bill’s Tax Service, and Josh Kroll, the Adoption Subsidy Resource Center coordinator at the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC).

In this episode, we cover:

What is the Adoption Tax Credit for adoption being claimed on 2022 federal taxes?How to advocate for refundability?What is a “credit” and how does it differ from a deduction or some other form of tax savings?If you get a tax refund every year, how would you use the Adoption Tax Credit?If you don’t have any federal tax liability, should you still apply the credit to your federal income taxes?What types of adoptions are included or excluded? Stepparent adoption? Embryo adoption? Same-sex partner second-parent adoption? Unmarried heterosexual second-parent adoption? Surrogacy?Can you get credit for each adoption you complete even if completed in the same year? What about adopting siblings at the same time?What is a Qualified Adoption Expense for purposes of the Adoption Tax Credit 2022?When can you claim the Adoption Tax Credit?Domestic private adoptionInternational AdoptionRe-adoption in the US for international adoptionFoster Care AdoptionHow does the Adoption Tax Credit work with kinship adoptions? What if the child never was involved with foster care?Special Needs Adoption: How does the Adoption Tax Credit differ for adoptions from foster care? What does the IRS accept as proof of “special needs”?$0 subsidy agreementSpecial needs child for international adoptionCan you reclaim your expenses for an attempted adoption that did not result in a placement? How?What income level (Modified Adjusted Gross Income) is excluded from claiming the Adoption Tax Credit in 2022?How long can the credit be carried over?Are you able to amend the previous year's tax return to claim the adoption tax credit? Is the adoption tax credit something you can amend, and if so, how do you amend and how many years back?Will the Adoption Tax Credit offset self-employment tax?How does the Secure Act impact claiming the Adoption Tax Credit for 2022 taxes?What should you do if the child’s Social Security Number is not available when you file?Should you use an Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN #) if you don’t have the child’s social security number?How does the Adoption Tax Credit work in conjunction with employee adoption benefits? For special needs adoption?Qualified Birth or Adoption Distribution from Qualified Retirement Plan without penalty. Under Secure A

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