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Education– the key that opens up opportunities and should be a universal right to any and all children across the world. On this episode today, I’ve invited Komal Shah to share with us her journey to raising conscious children through education– all inspired by one child she met by chance in India during a holy pilgrimage.

Hope you stay and listen in on how Komal found her purpose, so you too can find your way to fulfillment!

About Komal Shah:

After growing up in a closely knit Indian-American community, Komal decided to take Biology at UC Irvine, but then began to question her career– unsure if she really wanted to be a doctor. After she met a young girl on a trip to India, she had an epiphany that sparked a new purpose in her.

Upon her return to the United States, she applied for Teach for America, and that shifted everything in her life for the positive, an experience she will never look back on, teaching her to step into her power as a teacher.

Connect with Komal Shah: Website Twitter Instagram Episode Highlights: Komal’s education, where she started Education and how it should contribute to future fulfillment Schools catering to training kids for the workforce, not their wellbeing The problems in the public school system Finding her purpose by joining Teach for America

Earlier in the episode, I mentioned my Purpose Quiz to help anyone identify their entrepreneurial purpose, you can check that out here!

You can also join me, Komal, and many other purpose-driven women entrepreneurs inside my Create Your Purpose Collective – the waitlist is open now!

The post Komal Shah’s Pilgrimage to Purpose first appeared on Quinn Tempest.

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