We all want to find purpose in our lives. Perhaps you are at a crossroads right now, stuck in the same spot and unsure what to do next. If you are feeling exactly this way, then this episode is just for you.

In today’s episode I would like to introduce you all to Laura Neff. She is a brand photographer, business coach, and serial entrepreneur, as well as a member of the “Create Your Purpose” collective. Just like you, she too was stuck in this crazy journey we call life, working a job she didn’t enjoy. She eventually made the decision to quit her job and start multiple online businesses that ended up changing her life.

Today she’ll be discussing how she started these businesses, her struggles, and her vision for the future. I hope the story she shares with you today inspires you to also build a purposeful life just like she did!


About Laura Neff:

Laura Neff is a brand photographer, business coach, and serial entrepreneur. Her mission in life is to turn purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you, live up to your potential and find freedom and success in a way that feels aligned to you.

Originally, Laura graduated from college as an interior designer and immediately had a job offer. She initially thought this job would be her dream but then that dream turned into her absolute nightmare. It was at this lowest point of her life where she got the chance to shoot her first wedding and that changed everything. She eventually quit her day job and went all in on photography. 

This photography journey of her’s led her to a new path and today, Laura runs three businesses with the purpose of helping people discover, pursue and live out their passions as well as build a life and business they love. 


Connect with Laura Neff:

Website  Instagram 


Episode Highlights:

Laura’s early life and how she got to where she is now  What Laura’s connecting thread is  How Laura set up her website Laura’s struggles, and visions for her future Laura’s thoughts on success  How Laura has integrated reflection in building her business 


Earlier in the episode, I mentioned that the Create Your Purpose challenge is happening again. If you’re looking to move your business forward and create a simple system to ground your dreams in reality, join us here