Colleen Kelly Alexander shares a true story of hope, determination, and the everyday heroes around us in her brand new book, Gratitude in Motion. What are you grateful for today?

Colleen Kelly Alexander:  She is a wife of 8 years to her incredible husband, Sean. They have 3 dogs and 1 cat named Luna. Colleen is a lifelong athlete, motivational speaker, and author. She teaches others how to aim higher, be stronger, and use adversity as a catalyst to make themselves and the world better. 

"My heart is beating because of the fact that it was brought back from the human family." ~ Colleen Kelly Alexander


BOOK: Gratitude in Motion

CONNECT with Colleen Kelly Alexander

Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including Turkey, purity, global sisterhood, Hagar, and the bike.

Life & Death Races The Love Story High School Sweethearts Genuine friendship Prom  Marriage Divorce Rebellion Southern Baptist Fear of mortality Control  Spirituality Child bearing Lupus Brain surgery Cursed Sean Apology Break-Up Tears of Hurt The Letter Forgiveness Hope Long distance relationship Blinders Cycling Multi-ton Truck Trauma The human element Soulmate Strength Blood donation A tribute Country music Survivor's guilt Exhale Guilt Root Causes


BOOK: Gratitude in Motion

CONNECT with Colleen Kelly Alexander

"The human blood knows no boundaries."
~ Colleen Kelly Alexander


Quotes and statements within the interview:

"The very breath I have."

"It's about being apart of this huge beautiful network of family, all around the globe." 

"He was just completely fun."

"It wasn't the healthy marriage that it should of been."

"My view of religion was less because I truly felt it, and more because I knew I was suppose to feel it."

"We could never get each other on so many levels especially spirituality, which was really tough."

"Somehow God was just punishing me."

"And one of the first things I felt I needed to do was apologize to him because I broke up with him in high school because he wasn't saved."

"It had weighed on me so heavily since that time."

"The nervous that I had and the reluctancy I felt dissipated really quickly when I looked into his eyes."

"I saw God's love in his eyes."

"Why did this human being see me and continue to run me over and then continue to drive off?"

"She literally prayed out loud that God would allow me to stay alive."

That's just an every day love."

"It's part of the fabric of every breath that we have."

"I'm alive because of all of you!"

"In order to have gratitude on a lot of different aspects in life and with what's happened, I've had to find forgiveness of my own self loathing and frustration since this trauma happened."

"Uncover the roots of where it comes from."

"None of us are getting out of this time on the earth alive." ~ Colleen Kelly Alexander

What has your story gifted you?


"The amazing foundation to be able to do exactly what I'm doing right now."

"Love is always louder!"


Resources mentioned in the episode:

 BOOK: Gratitude in Motion

CONNECT with Colleen Kelly Alexander

Instagram: Twitter: Facebook:


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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, and She Owns It. 



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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

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