Previous Episode: 991 The Happiness Killer
Next Episode: 993 When You Are Tested

Brent Gambrell, a simple man, shares his insight of "me monsters" and connection in his new book, Living For Another: More of Others Less of You!

Brent Gambrell: He is the president of Brent Gambrell ministries, a non-profit based in Nashville, Tennessee. Brent travels around the globe full-time speaking and ministering to adults, students, and churches. He co-authored the Bible study, Experiencing God and developed the DVD Bible study series, Who You Are in Christ. His brand new book, Living for Another, is where the rubber-meets-the-road look at "Anothers" and dying to self.

"What's true about the vine then becomes true about the branches." ~ Brent Gambrell BOOK: Living for Another CONNECT with Brent Gambrell:

Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including dumpsters, peanut butter, me monsters, and the drunk angel. Get ready to take a leap...connecting your head and heart!

The Dumpster Haiti Transformation Testimony Stripper Service and Drugs In the beginning... My Dad Doing religion vs. Jesus The Vine and the Branches The Orange Tree Food of life Rank Upside down Kingdom Me monster Sigmond Freud Self Help Weakness Another So What? Now What? The Fruits of the Spirit The library Loss of Self Cadets Child-rearing Divorce A Servant's heart Storms Spiritual eyes Shadows Probation Prodigal Father The Baseball Field God winks The Drunk Angel Amazing Grace I can't The Power of Humor OF Moses & his staff Words of Life Spirit of poverty Upgrade Spiritual glassess

BOOK: Living for Another

CONNECT with Brent Gambrell:

"Jesus knew you at your worst when He saved you." ~ Brent Gambrell


Quotes and statements within the interview:

"I'm really kind of a bible geek."

"When you see the moment of being transformed by the renewing of your mind."

"My testimony is what Christ is doing in me today."

"I have one of those explosion testimonies where God showed up."

"I don't come from the church. I come from the world; so I'm a little raw."

"I'm a peanut butter jar."

"My father was a Godly man. And I always saw that."

"I'd rather just enjoy the beauty of the mystery of who Christ is."

"Do the will of the Father and finish the work."

"Do it! Just rank yourself at the bottom."

"But the flesh does exactly opposite of what we actually need."

"The me monster' never fixes anything."

"We are to live our lives as funnels not puddles."

"You're life stinks!"

"And if I had to think about me all day long, I'd be depressed too."

"There's nothing the newness of God won't fix."

"Flesh can't fix flesh."

"I don't preach strength, I teach weakness. In my weakness, He's made strong."

"We put our best Facebook forward."

"The Fruits of the Spirit are not for you."

"Let Him pour through me."

"We need revelation in the church."

"The abundant life is living life as a loser."

"I think self and sin are synonymous."

"God brings us to the end of ourselves."

"Do you know why you're fulfilled? Because for one week, you're the person you always wanted to be."

"The two things that God gave us was to set and let our minds."

"To turn around is simply to face Him again and get close."

"Brent, that's you. Look in your eyes and see what you will be."

"Because if He does all the work, He gets all the glory."

"Of means owned by."

"I hear upgrade so much in my life, I can't hear the cries of the poor."

"You cannot legislate the hearts of men."

"I believe that there's simplicity in following Christ." "Consider others better than yourself." ~ Philippians 2:3


What has your story gifted you? Perspective

"I've been healed too much."


Resources mentioned in the episode: Connect with Brent Gambrell BOOK: Living for Another HAITI: A Door to Hope Instagram: Twitter: "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.



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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

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