Do you remember growing up and being caught red-handed? Disciplining your child is not fun, but a necessity.

As parents who want to raise children to make a difference in this world, we are called to discipline.

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Now we all know disciplining isn't fun. Think about when you got in trouble growing up. No one likes to be in trouble.

No matter how advanced we become as a society, discipline will always exist.

I want to look at it from another perspective --- How God disciplines us. He takes us right where we are and directs us accordingly.

"God blots out the past and focuses on the present." ~ Kristianne Wargo

Let's look at a trending parenting style. When your child makes a poor decision, they're caught red-handed. You jump into action, reminding them of their current and past mistakes.

Now let's talk puppy dogs. Hang in there. I promise this is going to make sense.

Puppy trainers around the world all agree that you should not correct/discipline your puppy unless you catch them in the act. Therefore, if they had an accident and you didn't find it until after you came home, you can't correct them because they won't understand.

We've talked about 3 different scenarios.

How God disciplines A parenting trend on discipline Puppy training

Did you notice that puppy trainers and God disciplines and trains the same?

Why is it as parents we feel the needs to bring up every mistake in the past 2 months (for example) and not deal with only the present?

What does the dishes, dishwasher, and being late last week have anything to do with what happened today? NOTHING!

"The past doesn't have the power that the present does."

What can you do for your child when they're caught red-handed?

The K.I.S.S. ~ Discipline in the present! Use the past to understand the patterns. Focus on the current misbehavior/mistake only. Set and implement the penalty. "The past doesn't have the power the the present does. Discipline in the present!"


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Live. Love. IMPACT!   "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"


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Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.



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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

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