Episode 13 has us visiting John and Sherry Petersik of the Young House Love blog.  John and Sherry have a great story to tell.  They started the blog as a way to show family and friends progress on a home project.  From there, it has grown way beyond their expectations.  They have been able to quit their jobs and run the blog as their primary business.  It also led them to write a New York Times best selling book.  They have received a lot of press and exposure, including being featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network's Super Soul Sunday.

In this conversation, we talk a lot about their story.  We also talk about where they draw the line for privacy, what it is like to work with your spouse, what the neighbors (and previous homeowners) think of their projects.  We also go into how they prioritize their projects, how they decide when they should hire a contractor, and what they look for in a home before they buy it.

This felt like the perfect episode to end 2013 going into the holidays.  This was a lot of fun to visit with them where they are just beginning to renovate their third home.  Hope you enjoy!