Today’s episode is sponsored by my free downloadable PDF checklist – How To Create A Highly Irresistible List Building Freebie And Attract Your Perfect Customers The Easy Way! Stop guessing what your ideal audience wants and start filling your email list with ‘Buy Ready’ people actively searching for your digital products, online courses, artwork, workshops, retreats or 1 on 1 client services!

You can download your free copy today at:

Episode 021 Show Notes:

Here are the 5 Common List Building Mistakes Creative Entrepreneurs Make That Keeps Their List Small & Unresponsive.

You might be making one or more of them, use this list as a guide to maximize your blog’s traffic so you can grow a responsive list eager to invest in your products and services.

1. Having Only One Freebie (Lead Magnet)

2. Not Being Specific Enough With The Problem Your Freebie Solves

3. Failing To Provide A Quick Win

4. Not Having An Onboarding Plan In Place For New Subscribers

5. Not Positioning Your Freebie To Flow Naturally Into Your Paid Offer

For complete show notes visit: