Matt Bunday works in crypto. He loves to rock climb, martial arts, and think about underground psychedelic therapy


What is the biggest problem you’ve faced with knowledge management at your companies?


Dropped balls in communication

LLMs might be the response

Why do you think slack spread so fast even though its not the best product?

It was a step up from email

IRC was a component

More friendly for non-engineering

What do you think about the complexity of slack?

Twist is an alternative

Why is information architecture such a challenge?

How do LLMs fit into this?

What would happen if slack created a LLM or plugged one in?

Slack workspace plug in

What is a retrieval plug in?

Universal adapter for any type of data

Who are the incumbents in the slack knowledge management space?

Guru startup

What is the difference between information management and knowledge management?

Knowledge management is a higher level synthesis

Information management is siloing related types of information

Data types 

Group related to information around people

What are your thoughts on the membrane?


Privacy is where LLMs can be very innovative

If we were to share a LLM

We can both specify a privacy policy to the LLM and it will follow it

LLMs can intuit the privacy public distinction

Are you using LLMs to code for you?


Issues with difficulty to prompt it correctly

You had to write comments to prompt it

Inline suggestions were not good

Is it better now?

Haven’t noticed a dramatic improvement

Hard to prompt it to code in certain styles now

GPT 4 is way better for a starting off point for projects

Helpful for conversion processes

What are the things that GPT4 has not been helpful for you?

You have to chunk it

What about building systems with GPT4?

Code completion cool called tap9

Train the model against your local code

What are some other things about KM that we can use tools for?

Shared LLM for the family

Surface serendipity between users

If facebook were to do this

One person says they are selling a couch

One person is buying one

LLM connects them

At what point do we merge with the machines?

Sufficiently high bandwidth


Are we already cyborgs?

It began with wearing shoes


Where do you fit in the excitement vs fear when it comes to AI?

What parts of knowledge work will get automated?

What are we losing?

What is your take on bodywork?

10% investment

Martial arts practices, he gets beat up 


Special forces for ninjas

Healing and striking points on the body are the same

Balance between healing/killing, if you know how to heal

Unbroken transmission since 1400

What is the importance 

What is your take on yoga?

Seven chakra system was created by theosophist

Color, what deities you install

Psychosomatic download systems 

What is your take on Japan?

The meiji restorationo

Controversy over this and how they lost the transmission

Judo was modernized and is a sport

Tradition was changed

Armed combat

What is the transition we are going through?

What does the japanese tradition say about it?

Character of Ryu; the stream

Tradition is flowing through obstacles

Japanese traditions need to adapt

What happened when the firearm was brought to Japan?

What about Japan led them to keep the strong membrane that lets in the western tools but doesn’t let the westerners in culturally?

Japan has a deliberate 

What is your take on psychedelics and wisdom transmission?

Ayahuasca has changed a lot

Aya was used by the healer to heal people, not the person getting healed

Definitely the most impactful

5 sits in peru all in a row


What is your take on LSD?

What is your take on Pscyolicibin?

What is your thought on Iboga?

What is your take on Kambo?

Western-educated buddhas

What do you want in a tradition?

How we humans integrate Machine Learning into a humanistic society?

What is the meaning crisis that AI will take from people because of the job loss?

What is social technology and how does that fit in with meaning and communities?

LLMs as polytheism

Goddes called Athena

GPT4 to build a slackbot

Read messages

Layer in retrieval using embeddings to go the database


How do you think LLMs will affect crypto?

Crypto AI companies feel far fetched

GPU clusters at home, training decentralized

Super computer clusters have massively high bandwidth connections between the GPU units

Crypto is orthogonal cultural 

Take GPT4 and cheaply retrain another model, getting tutors to train the model

In OpenAI’s research paper, jobs affected LLMs, blockchain engineers are susceptible

All smart contract code is solidity

Apple is building AI chips already and putting them into the phones 

Chatting with GPT 

What about apple vs openAI?