Theodore Blackman

Urbit Core Dev & Manage projects at Tlon Arvo Kernel

Find him on ~rovnys-ricfer on Urbit

What are metapolitics?

What is content distribution for Urbit?

What is the networking protocol for Urbit?

How is Urbiit different from other networking protocols?

What is Subscription Reform?

What is a Pub-Sub system?

What is the Scriname Space?

Are there already scalable networking systems?

What is the limit on users right now on Urbit?

How do analytics work on Urbit?

How long have you been programming in Hoon and Knock?

What is an overlay OS?

If I’m programming something for a Rasberry Pi, does it make it harder or easier? 

Why would somebody want a peer-to-peer operating system?

What does it mean to have a personal server? Why is it important?

What is a root node and a routing node?

What is the key to a distributed system? What are the pillars of it?

What is transactional networking or persistent networking?

Is Port my own server? How does that work?

How easy is it to interface with APIs and connect Urbit apps to web apps?

What is your favorite Urbit app?

Have you used Urtweet?

Do you have access to Dallee?

Dalton Collective Octupus @_dalton 

What is Urbit trying to do?

Urbit destroys the need for a server admin (24 minutes)

Are there any hardware wallets that can keep my Urbit planets?


What is the PKI (Urbit ID system)? Azimuth

What is the world going to look like in ten years when/if Urbit is much larger?

What are autonomous digital communities? (33 minutes)

What is the intersection between Crypto and Urbit?

What is the software supply chain (47 minutes)?

What are your thoughts on Holochain?


What is a categorization theorist?