Welcome back everyone to Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, the best darn podcast East of the Mississippi and now, in stereo! On this episode, the worst podcast host ever (that’s me, Ryan Wolf) is joined by the inventor of the mouse (the animal, not the computer peripheral) Austyn Torres, leather boot wearer Sam “Leather Boot” Romero, and back by popular demand, The Matt Attack for a chat about the following often-digressed-from topics:

Steamworld Dig 2

Remember Jib Jab? Yeah, me neither

Ye Olde Flash Games, We Miss Thee

Line Rider

Spank the Monkey

Interactive Buddy

Adventure Quest

Alto’s Adventures



Netflix’s Big Mouth

Sam and Matt reminisce about playing games when they were kids

Sam tells us about his first girlfriend(s)

Is Mass Effect a dating sim?

We explain Mass Effect to Sam

Thank you all for listening and for all of your support! Let us know some of your favorite flash games from yesteryear or yesterday and if you want to hear more or less Lord of the Rings quotes in the next podcast. I’m guessing less. Nevermind. We will do less. Also, thank you to the BS Podcast Network for letting us be a part of their crew. We couldn’t do this without you guys. You can give us a piece of your mind at the following (internet) locations:






PS: This is the square flash game I was describing:


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