ALL ABOARD for Crazy Train of Thought brought to you by The Idiot Savants, a podcast that tries less than it should to not look stupid! This week, host Ryan Wolf is accompanied by Idiot Box Film director Colin Giffy, Pokemaster Oscar Guerrero, and a wild Austyn Torres appears to challenge us all! Check a look below at this week’s topics:
Pokemaster Oscar beats Let’s Go, Pikachu, proving once and for all that he is the VERY BEST
Austyn watches Knightfall (basically Cars 4)
Austyn plays Total War
News: Sony and Disney/Marvel Spiderman deal falls through
Twitch promotes porn on Ninja’s old channel
Fortnite Champion gets swatted
Apex Legends 170 dollar digital item
EA’s non-sales Madden statistics
Game of Thrones showrunners get huge Netflix deal
Kevin Feige clarifies fates of those that returned after Endgame
Ewan McGregor might return to Star Wars on Disney+
Disney reboots beloved Fox franchises for Disney+
Washington man plays Pokemon Go on 8 phones
Promos: The Outlandish Historians
End music: “Summer 83 – 7” Version” by 2DCat
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