Did a whimsical 1960s TV sitcom presage climate migration and a reversal of urban growth? We're not calling for a Godzilla-esque teardown of cities, but climate change is forcing a serious urban rethink. Jason, Rob, and Asher offer visions of better infrastructure, policies, and culture that you can embrace, even if your home is in the city.

Warning: This podcast occasionally uses spicy language.


Wikipedia page for Paul Henning, creative force behind the spate of 1960s rural sitcoms.The Rural Climate Dialogues: A Community-Driven Roadmap for Climate Action in Rural Minnesota is a report by Tara Ritter with good summary statistics on the rural U.S.“Total and urban population” in UNCTAD Handbook of Statistics 2023.United Nations prediction about urban migration.“Out-of-Towners Head to ‘Climate-Proof Duluth,’” article by Debra Kamin in the New York Times.“Indonesia Is Moving its Capital to a Futuristic, Green City,” article by Katherine McLaughlin in Architectural Digest.Anthropogenic mass – the weight of everything humanity has built, statistics from the World Economic Forum..Analysis of transportation-related energy consumption and urban density, published in “U.S. Cities Factsheet” from the University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems.The 15-Minute CityRetrosuburbia: The Downshifter’s Guide to a Resilient Future, book by David Holmgren.Global Ecovillage NetworkDaily ActsStoveTeam InternationalOne Planet Council

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