Violent Protests Shake New Caledonia: Government Responds with Security ForcesViolent protests have continued to rock the French territory of New Caledonia, prompting a response from the French government. On Thursday, France's Interior Minister announced the deployment of security forces to the archipelago located off the coast of Australia.Local Militias Formed as Protests EscalateThe situation in New Caledonia has escalated with reports of local militias being formed to counter the French forces, according to Le Figaro. This development underscores the intensity of the protests and the deep divisions within the local population.Parts of New Caledonia No Longer Under State ControlAuthorities now acknowledge that parts of New Caledonia are no longer under state control. This loss of control raises concerns about the stability and governance of the territory.Violence and Unrest Grips the IslandIn recent days, large plumes of smoke have been observed over the island, as thousands of cars have been set on fire. The violent protests have persisted for four days, prompting President Emmanuel Macron to declare a state of emergency. As a measure to restore calm, the popular social media platform TikTok has been banned on the island.French Government Reinforces Security ForcesTo address the escalating situation, the French government has sent thousands of police officers to New Caledonia. On Thursday, their efforts were reinforced by an additional 1,000 military personnel from the national security force. France's Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin emphasized the necessity of restoring order and stability in the territory.Casualties Reported in ClashesTragically, five people have lost their lives in the clashes. Among the victims are three members of the Kanak community, the largest ethnic group in New Caledonia, as well as two military police officers. The casualties highlight the severity of the violence.Unprecedented Violence Grips New CaledoniaThe recent violence in New Caledonia has shocked observers, with one former Australian Consul General describing it as the worst in 30 years. French media reports indicate that parts of the local population have armed themselves with machetes and improvised weapons, forming their own militias.Despite the concerning situation, efforts are underway to restore peace and stability to New Caledonia. The deployment of security forces aims to reinstate control and bring an end to the violence that has gripped the territory.