James H. Lowry grew up in Jim Crow era Chicago. After graduating from Grinnell College and spending time in the Peace Corps, Jim became McKinsey & Company's first African-American consultant in 1968 and, years later, the first black senior partner at Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Jim worked with mayors, the federal government and leading corporations to implement ground-breaking and historic workforce and supplier diversity programs. Lowry continues to serve as a senior advisor to BCG, while heading his own private consulting firm, James H. Lowry & Associates. His new memoir, Change Agent, chronicles Jim's amazing life. As impressive as his professional resume is, the stories he has about his youth, college years and his work in the Peace Corps will blow your mind. Jim’s not only smart, incredibly accomplished, and networked out the wazoo, but he is just one cool guy. Special thanks to my friend and former Facebook colleague, Kay Madati for the introduction to Jim.  Buy Jim’s book, Change Agent,here.  To find books by other authors who have been on Crazy Money, shop our store on BOOKSHOP. (CM earns a small commission.) Paul has lost 8 lbs in 12 days using the NOOM app (No kidding!). Get started eating right with a free NOOM two-week trial by clicking here.  Find out more about Paul Ollinger on his website and/or follow him on the socials: • Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Paul_Ollinger • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paul_ollinger/ • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PaulOllinger/ • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulollinger/

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