Happy Valentine's from your galentines at Crazy Ex-GirlFans! Suzanne, Tonya and Amber grab some shrimp ramen and bacon-wrapped dates and chat about the penultimate episode, "Trent?!"

Is Rebecca backsliding into season 1? How long was Trent hiding under her bed and, horror of horrors, was he eating shrimp ramen? Will we ever find out if Cat Store Owner and Lover of Chocolate are only a fling or find true love? Will Mona move in? Is it EVER DRUGS?

We answer your questions, award our Giant Pretzels of the week and give our self-care recommendations for staying healthy and decidedly un-Bunch-like. 


Buttload of Cats (Rachel Bloom, Jack Dolgen and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom)

I'm Just A Boy In Love (Rachel Bloom, Jack Dolgen and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Paul Welsh)

Back In Action (Rachel Bloom, Jack Dolgen and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom and Donna Lynne Champlin)