Take cover, it looks like a storm's a-brewin' in West Covina! Amber battens down the hatches and Suzanne pops some Benadryl (literally) as we navigate the devil winds of episode 211, "Josh Is The Man Of My Dreams, Right?"

What is wrong with us that we like this Nathaniel character? Was Darry's dinner invite a Procter-vention all along? Why is Rebecca imbumpitent? Who will Karen choose: convict or cobra?

We answer your questions, award our Giant Pretzels of the week and give our self-care recommendations for staying healthy and decidedly un-Bunch-like!


Santa Ana Winds (Rachel Bloom, Jack Dolgen, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Eric Michael Roy)

Let's Have Intercourse (Rachel Bloom, Jack Dolgen, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Scott Michael Foster)