Season two. Our new adventure has begun. Exclamation points are turning into question marks. Shenanigans are turning into setting boundaries. It's a whole new world.

Suzanne and Amber launch into the second season by picking through the love kernels left by episode 201, "Where Is Josh's Friend?" What the dickens is going on with Rebecca and Josh? Which dresser will Darryl and White Josh pick out? Could it be that glitter bomb feelings are actually not good for you?

Plus, we answer your questions, award our Giant Pretzels of the week and give our self-care recommendations for staying healthy and decidedly un-Bunch-like.


I'm Just A Girl In Love (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom)

Love Kernels (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom)

We Should Definitely Not Have Sex Right Now (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom and Vincent Rodriguez III)