Strap in for some lying, some rock-throwing, and some self-hatred this week. Suzanne is joined by returning correspondent Karly and new correspondent Justin to answer the textmergency (textastrophe?) Crazy Ex-Girlfriend episode 111: That Text Wasn't Meant For Josh!

We squirm through each awkward moment to textplain questions like:

Why won't Rebecca just use her textmergency to have a moment of textegrity with Josh? Is Greg making better choices when it comes to Rebecca? What if Paula and Scott Procter had a three-way with The Rock? Where is the wine?

Plus, we answer your questions, award our Giant Pretzels of the week and give our self-care recommendations for staying healthy and decidedly un-Bunch-like.


Textmergency (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Ivan Hernandez, Briga Heelan, Ester Dean & Jeff Hiller)

Where Is The Rock? (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Ivan Hernandez, Briga Heelan, Ester Dean & Jeff Hiller)

You Stupid Bitch (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom)