Susan Stryker (University of Arizona)

'Transgeneration: Or, Becoming-With My Monstrous Kin'

In this keynote address, Susan Stryker tells the story, from her perspective, of how the essay 'My Words to Victor Frankenstein Above the Village of Chamounix' entered the world and what that monstrous assemblage has been doing since it found its way into print. In doing so, she charts a trajectory across queer theory in the 1990s, the emergence of transgender studies as an increasingly legible field, the shift in cultural studies toward questions of ontology and technicity, and new articulations of transness and blackness within contemporary social theory.

lgbtQ+@cam was launched by the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in 2018 to promote research, outreach and network building related to queer, trans and sexuality studies at the University of Cambridge. Working closely with allied initiatives in other Faculties and Centres, the lgbtQ+@cam programme combines small focussed workshops and seminar series with larger conferences and events to both enhance existing teaching and research in lgbtQ+ studies at Cambridge, and build stronger links to queer research and study programmes nationally and internationally. The goal of lgbtQ+@cam is to increase participation in this transformative field, and to transform higher education as a result.