Alien Horror Films: The Best Sure, Alien horror films falls under “horror/science-fiction” but this is specifically about aliens and how they have wormed their way into our human existence. Some may be fun, some obscure, and others are downright frightening. The frightening alien horror films bring pure terror and hopelessness – and that’s most definitely...

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Alien Horror Films: The Best

Sure, Alien horror films falls under “horror/science-fiction” but this is specifically about aliens and how they have wormed their way into our human existence.

Some may be fun, some obscure, and others are downright frightening. The frightening alien horror films bring pure terror and hopelessness – and that’s most definitely horror.

Here are the 9 best…

10. Alien Abduction (2014) 4 stars

If you hate found footage films, you may enjoy this wild ride when a family endures a horrific close encounter. The film also has one of the best explanations as to why the “filmmaker” never puts down the camera. Enjoy!


9. Altered (2007) 4 stars

Eduardo Sanchez (co-director of The Blair Witch Project), brings us a different kind of alien tale. Both intimate and suspenseful, a group of people who experienced the other-worldly as kids must face that alien terror one last time.


8. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) 4.5 stars

Kevin McCarthy rocks his role of a man on a mission to warn the world about an invasion from outer space. The movie’s exhilarating because we are attacked and replaced by aliens while we’re asleep.


7. The War of the Worlds (1953) 4.5 stars

Based on the H.G. Wells tale, and Orson Welles’ infamous radio play, we are overwhelmed by forces from Mars. The worst part? There is nothing we can do to stop it. The sound design alone delivers pure terror.


6. Lifeforce (1985, UK/USA) 4.5 stars

Prepare for the “space vampires” straight from Cannon Films! In this crazy and creepy epic, Steve Railsback and company fight vampires on the streets of London before it is nuked off the planet. See Patrick Stewart get his first on-screen kiss…


5. Under the Skin (2013, USA/UK/Switzerland) 4.5 stars

In Jonathan Glazer’s artsy and unsettling drama, Scarlett Johansson seduces men on her own trip to self-discovery. Beautiful and engulfing, the depth and Daniel Landin’s cinematography are palpable.


4. Cloverfield (2008) 5 stars

A found footage action film that takes the stakes of an unforeseen invasion to serious proportions. T.J. Miller is the man behind the camera recording history as it develops in New York City. Watch the skies – especially in the last frame.


3. The Thing (1982) 5 stars

Right from the beginning, John Carpenter makes it clear that there is no hope for the men of an Antarctic outpost. Even so, Kurt Russell and company battle like mad to defeat the alien and save the world. Dean Cundey’s cinematography, Ennio Morricone’s score, and Rob Bottin’s SFX are pure gold.


2. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) 5 stars

One of the greatest remakes ever made, the oppressive feeling of dread is enough to drive one mad. Abandon all hope as aliens take our species one by one. Stay awake – or be damned for eternity.


1. Alien (1979, USA/UK) 5 stars

For the crew of the Nostromo, a rescue mission turns sour when the run into the unexpected. With an outstanding cast, Ridley Scott brings us a Noir-like space adventure that gives birth to one of the genre’s most beloved heroins, Sigourney Weaver’s “Ripley”.


The Plot Sickens: Crash ranks John Carpenter’s films!


Billy Crash

Also known as William D. Prystauk, he loves great, in-depth characters and storytelling in horror, and likes to see heads roll, but if you kill a dog on screen he’ll cry like a baby. Crash, an award-winning screenwriter and novelist, co-hosts THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast on iTunes, and can also be found on TwitterLinkedInIMDbAmazon, Behance, YouTube, and Instagram. He’s currently in pre-production on a dramatic thriller feature while working on the fourth novel in his award-winning Kink Noir crime thriller series.


THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes and Spotify and more, with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner and THE LAST KNOCK art from Palko Designs. Logo designs from Paul Belci.

(Alien movie still from 20th Century Fox.)

The post Top 10 Alien Horror Films by Crash appeared first on Crash Palace Productions.

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