Woman Alone: Women in Horror Month Part I  February is Women in Horror Month and we’re celebrating with films that feature a woman alone. No, this isn’t about a woman alone in a desert or a field or on an alien planet, but a woman who becomes a predominately solitary figure in the narrative. Hopefully,...

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The Last Knock opens the door to Woman Alone… 

Woman Alone: Women in Horror Month Part I 

February is Women in Horror Month and we’re celebrating with films that feature a woman alone.

No, this isn’t about a woman alone in a desert or a field or on an alien planet, but a woman who becomes a predominately solitary figure in the narrative. Hopefully, she’ll thrive and rue the day and do her damnedest to keep standing.

It sure beats the female characters of not too long ago whose roles were filled with fainting, screaming, crying, and waiting to be rescued by a man.


Staying Alive

Whatever the odds, a woman alone does not mean “easy prey”. And many an antagonist will learn that fact the hard way.

In the end, the horror films we watch with feminine-centric characters are about surviving in the face of terror. They take a stand when logic and reason tells them to take flight. And sometimes, they must dig deep into their primal selves to unleash their own internal beast and stop a threat.

All of the movies we discuss wield power in one fashion or another.

Woman alone = woman to be respected. 



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The plot sickens: The Last Knock exposes Worst Horror 2020!


THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner and THE LAST KNOCK art from Palko Designs.

(Hush movie still from Intrepid Pictures.)  


The post THE LAST KNOCK presents: Woman Alone appeared first on Crash Palace Productions.