Next Episode: Raw by Jonny Numb

Nautical Horror: Crests and Troughs  We’re talking about ship related horror, but you can forget about the “Ahoy, matie!” crap. With Nautical Horror, we’ll look at those films that either rise above on the high seas or sink below the waves. After all, it’s hard to get more isolated then being on a ship with...

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The Last Knock horror podcast opens the door to Nautical Horror…

Nautical Horror: Crests and Troughs 

We’re talking about ship related horror, but you can forget about the “Ahoy, matie!” crap.

With Nautical Horror, we’ll look at those films that either rise above on the high seas or sink below the waves.

After all, it’s hard to get more isolated then being on a ship with paranormal elements around you. And that’s not taking into account everything from storms to fires, and other all-real nightmares.

From Ships to Screams

When it comes to Nautical Horror, we’ll look at such notables as Jaws, to Shock Waves, The Boat, Triangle, and more. That includes a special look at Fulci’s Zombi 2. Most important, we’ll seek out those compelling items and situations that add to the terror and tumult from the stories.

Enjoy the ride on USS Last Knock, and don’t forget to thank Poseidon for safe passage…



@MyChoiceIs666 @palkodesigns @SeverinFilms @RachelGlickler @SuzeLeighton @PhoenixFiery7 @HorrorPixi @OkaasanKawaii @TheCodyNetwork @TheCinemaTicket @sootygrunter79 @JeremyBiltz @Kent_Harper @Nightingveil @screening_space

The plot sickens: We take a closer look at Blockbuster Horror!

 THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes and Spotify (and more) with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner, gif, and all THE LAST KNOCK art from Palko Designs.

The Last Knock always supports independent cinema!

Note: What’s up with the one-man shows as of late? Never fear, Jonny Numb and Billy Crash are still The Last Knock duo! But due to work demands, COVID-19 vaccine recovery, jury duty (both at the same time!), individual writing projects, and film pre-production, time has been demanding. The pair will get on the same wavelength soon enough!

(Jaws movie still shot from Universal Pictures.)

The post THE LAST KNOCK presents Nautical Horror appeared first on Crash Palace Productions.