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Meta Horror: Umm… What?  There is often of “meta” this and “meta” that, but what in Hell are people referring to? Meta means something that is either self-referential or refers to its genre or category. One can think of meta horror as a film dining off of its own tale like an audio-visual ouroboros. For...

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The Last Knock opens the door to Meta Horror…

Meta Horror: Umm… What? 

There is often of “meta” this and “meta” that, but what in Hell are people referring to?

Meta means something that is either self-referential or refers to its genre or category. One can think of meta horror as a film dining off of its own tale like an audio-visual ouroboros.

For many horror fans, the first film that may come to mind is Wes Craven’s Scream. But are there other meta horror films and well, why?

Meta Meta Everywhere

There are many self-referential horror films out there, and we’ll look at several of them, including oddballs like Rubber, the fantastic David Cronenberg mind bending body horror Videodrome, to Tucker and Dale vs Evil, and beyond.

We’ll take a look at what sets certain horror films apart. And we’ll also dive into how well they pull off the strange aesthetic that is meta horror.

For as with all horror films, regardless of their sub-genre, some are certainly better than others.

Hell, isn’t just talking of the concept of meta in and of itself meta?

Listen in to this latest episode of The Last Knock to find out…



SCREAM OUTS to these must follow souls on Twitter:

@TL_Enigma @doll_kyra @dmmusic3rd @ZombieRiot @abhorrently_urs @AreYouAfraidOf6 @MFFHorrorCorner @peterkidder @HallowsHaunts @GNHorror  @DreadCentral @palkodesigns @RonGizmo and Paul J. Williams


The plot sickens: The Last Knock sows the fields of Barnyard Horror!  


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THE LAST KNOCK horror podcast is a Crash Palace Productions’ featured show. Besides this site, you can find THE LAST KNOCK on iTunes with new shows posted every other Sunday at 9 PM ET.

Crash Palace Productions website design and creation from Brian Yount Digital Enterprises with banner and THE LAST KNOCK art from Palko Designs.

(Funny Games movie poster image from Castle Rock.)

The post THE LAST KNOCK presents: Meta Horror appeared first on Crash Palace Productions.