PORTLAND, OR - The DA has dropped the charges against Reverend Phil. RevPhil won't get his day in court but he also won't have to face 2 1/2 years in jail either.

Just by coincidence, there will be a naked bike ride Saturday night. It will be originating from free geek. I do not know the time yet but will let you know when I find out.

During the 2006 World Naked Bike Ride, RevPhil was arrested after being hit by a mean spirited and drunk driver (according to witnesses testimony) who's boyfriend happened to be an off-duty cop . Phil was charged with various crimes and misdemeanors while the real criminal was scurried off. Just last week Phil told me "I really want this to go to trial so we can expose what really happened in court."

Click To Play Video Last Weeks Interview with RevPhil

This matter may never fully be exposed in a court of law, but, to celebrate Naked Justice, you can expose yourself tomorrow on a Pedalpalooza BONUS Naked Bike Ride.

See you tomorrow at the Multnomah County Bike Fair where we'll attempt to webcast live.