Southern Dirt Podcast for June 2019

We talk with the Chairperson of Southern Dirt, Evan Hall, discussing a range of projects and ideas behind the group and what the future brings in the area.
Bronwyn Copestake is the Research & Development Manager a Southern Dirt. Bronwyn introduces herself and she discusses the key challenges and projects for addressing these issues around the Southern Dirt area, including Flax, Soil constraints and the Techspo that is coming up in Wagin and Katanning on 7-8 August.
TECHSPO is Western Australia’s premier technology and innovation event for the Agricultural community and associated industries. We are bringing technology developers, farmers, advisors, expert researchers and officials together for two days of advanced agriculture technology, information sharing and collaboration. This event format is based is a mixture of conference and in-field demonstrations. BOOK NOW at

Crops are emerging at the Cropping Challenge site near Katanning. Southern Dirt Project Officer Marissa Maitland and Craig White from Bayer walked through the plots talking about the progress.

Further information and contact for Southern DIRT at

Bayer is a strongcsupporter of Grower Groups right around Australia and you can get more information, access to useful crop protection tools and information at

Information about other grower groups is available at