Craig White from Bayer talks with Tom Moir about early emergence of crops, the benefits of early weed control with Velocity® Herbicide, which can be used in wheat and barley crops from the 2 leaf stage (sorry I said 3 leaf stage in the interview :-)

Plenty of trials going on all around Australia and Mateno® Complete is a core focus. Mateno Complete, due to be released in 2022 (pending registration) for control of grass and broadleaf weeds in wheat and barley crops.

Aviator®Xpro® controls a range of foliar diseases in a wide range of crops, cereals, canola (blackleg and sclerotinia)and selected pulses. With quick rainfastness thanks to Leafshield™ adjuvant system you can be sure the fungicide will reliably protect your crops.
Currently you can get extended terms for Aviator Xpro and Prosaro® purchases made up to June 3
For more information, and to find out where there is a Mateno Complete trial near you - Contact your Bayer representative to find out more -

There is also a lot more information and discussion in the Bayer CropCast Podcast available in good podcast Apps or via: