Craig White, Market Development Agronomist and Leader of Integrated Weed Management (Bayer Australia)talks with Tom Moir on Rural Focus about Early season issues in crops, including EverGol® Energy which can be applied on seed and in-furrow at seeing time, to help protect emerging cereal crops by suppressing rhizoctonia, pythium and crown rot, as well as class leading smut and bunt control.
Weeds are coming up in lupin crops now, and Brodal® Options is a great option for broadleaf weed control.
Craig also covers early competitive weeds, what to expect now from pre-emergent herbicides, depending on soil moisture profilen and reminds listeners about Precept® for safe and reliable broad-leaf weed control in oats, and other cereals, as well as the strong and proven weed control you can expect from Velocity® herbicide.

The order you mix products into a spray tank is critical in ensuring their compatibility and avoid downtime with incompatibilities and cleaning. Craig discusses this, with time and mixing order being the most important factors for success.
A Product Tank Mixing Guide is available at this guide is also available as a sprayer/nurse tank sticker upon request.

Bayer also has other interesting podcasts for you to listen "hands-free" while on the tractor, in the sprayer, forklift, Ute or in the shed.
Bayer CropCast and Bayer HortCast are available at or