Intel Tells Us How Long the Shortage Will Last

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We're looking at a big chip shortage. You probably heard a little bit about it, but how long is it going to last? And we've got this explosive report out right now about spyware and some of the cyber hacking and what's happening with Android versus iOS. What should you be using, 50% of Americans are using Android, and the rest is split up mostly with Apple. iOS. So what's going on there? This is a research group that says, my goodness. The media outlets just aren't reporting the truth. So here we go with Mr. Chris Ryan.

[00:00:40] Chris Ryan: A couple of things we're going to get today with Craig Peterson are the host of tech talk first design, the chip shortage, and how long that may last.

[00:00:47] The second is a fascinating report on spies where I think a lot of us feel that our phones, and even to a large extent, our laptops are safe because we maybe haven't experienced any overt issues with cybersecurity whether or not that's true. We'll talk about it in a second. Craig Peterson joins us right now. Craig, how are you?

[00:01:08] Craig Peterson:  Good morning. I'm doing great this morning.

[00:01:11] Chris Ryan:  So we get into a couple of not great stories, though. As into the Intel, CEO says the chip shortage could last until 2023, as we continue to hear about supply chain issues and how they lead to the inflation of consumer costs. What do you think of this particular story, and how do you think it will affect those issues that we see with various shortages.

[00:01:36] Craig Peterson:  Yeah, this is a huge deal because, of course, when we're talking about chip shortages, we're talking about affecting everything. It's harder to get a car. For instance, that's driven up the price of used cars, as well as new cars. I mean your computers. We're trying to order them for some of our clients.

[00:01:54] And we have seen some of the delivery times out six months, we just about two or three weeks ago. We just got it. Some discount in that we had ordered in November last year. So think about how long it is. And now we've got the wall street journal reporting after the Intel company posted second-quarter earnings on Thursday and the Intel CEO saying we have a long way to go yet.

[00:02:22] And what they're trying to do. Rebuild infrastructure and build new infrastructure capacity. We have to remember that this is partially due to the lockdown, but the other side of this is competition. These chips keep getting faster at an order. Yeah. Faster. They have to get smaller internally. That's that nanometers thing that you keep hearing about with chip sizes and densities.

[00:02:49] So these older fabrication plans that they couldn't bring back online and that they are, in some cases, bringing back online cannot make the newest chip. So it's a constant gain. So one of the biggest problems we have is. Building brand new chip fabrication plans over the whole lockdown thing. And most of them are in Taiwan.

[00:03:11] So this could go until 2023, frankly.

[00:03:15] Chris Ryan:  And it also shows how tied our productivity and our consumption-based economy are into what's taking place in other countries as well. We've talked a lot about COVID in this country, but there are. Countries that are out there where we see some meager rates of vaccination, China.

[00:03:35] We obviously don't know much about them, but Japan, Taiwan vaccination rates are meager there. So we talk obviously a lot about the US side of things, but many of these supply chain issues are driven by the economic and health environments in a foreign country.

[00:03:56] Craig Peterson:  Sure, we have a worldwide economy.

[00:03:59] We've got Australia now completely locked down. There are parts from Australia that we need as well as all of these other countries. For example, India's vaccination rate is less than 3% right now. And we require a lot of support from India as well as part. So as we move forward continually the worldwide.

[00:04:20] Source and really the source of everything I can know I can dock is going to be worldwide, and more and more of these countries are going to be playing a bigger part. That's Craig

[00:04:28] Chris Ryan: Peterson, he's the host of tech talk on news radio six, 10, and 96, 7 Saturdays and Sundays at 11:30 AM. Interesting reports on Android and iOS.

[00:04:39] Security. And, I think that many individuals who have not experienced identity theft have not experienced significant cyber attacks against them, they feel that they're safe, and they're not really. That's safe. So I want to get your thoughts on that and B what leads to even if you are vulnerable, what leads to that way, an extended period of time, which you don't experience anything, and the kind of that complacency set.

[00:05:10]Craig Peterson:  Many of our devices have been hacked. So if you think it hasn't been you by not know, they're doing everything from not ransoming your phone or random your computer, but using your computer to mine. Coin. And that can be a real problem when it says mark phone and all of a sudden your battery keeps dying after half an hour.

[00:05:33] It just keeps getting on. It might be used right now for Bitcoin mining, all the ways through, of course, some of the ransoms that are visible so much. Mean now; there is happening in the background. Your computer could be used for one of these botnets to attack others and do other major things. Now, what we're concerned about on the security or cybersecurity researcher side is being able to get into these devices and get into the systems to examine them.

[00:06:07] We've got this Pegasus malware, right? Which apparently has been used against some 50,000 journalists and government people, agencies, and others. And they, all you had to do was open your phone, open a message, no cocaine involved. And your phone has been. IOS, which is Apple's operating system, has been relatively closed.

[00:06:30] That's a pro in some ways, and it's a con and others, and we've had all kinds of security researchers over the years here complaining about that while apple made some major changes and has now provided security researchers—access to absolutely everything and also great logging Android.

[00:06:51] Unfortunately, the assumption is if it's Android, anti-virus can not protect it because Android is really a hodgepodge that was thrown together. It's thrown on to thousands of different models of phones that are out there. So we are. Better than one with an apple, people assume an apple is going to be more secure.

[00:07:13] So they're being held to a higher standard, and they are stepping up frankly, to the plate here, Chris,

[00:07:20] Chris Ryan: [00:07:20] you, if you are a business owner, a public official, a person that holds a government position, something that is, would be very intriguing too. Packer or to an organization. And you have questions about your security and whether you are secure, and how do you go about creating an environment where you feel comfortable?

[00:07:43]Particularly if you are not all that knowledgeable on the topic of cybersecurity.

[00:07:49] Craig Peterson:  I read a great article yesterday. And it was talking about how we, as a whole, pretty much everyone thinks that you can't do anything about it. So we're just going to give up and

[00:08:03] Chris Ryan: yeah, if I were to get targeted, I get targeted.

[00:08:04] But I think that even when you think about somebody like throw Brad Pitt out there, right? Brad Pitt has to be the target of just about every single hacking organization imaginable. You would assume to want to get information, access to capital, ransomware, whatever. If you are the higher, you move up the food chain as a public official or a celebrity that you would be accustomed to being hacked by.

[00:08:27] Everyone. What do you do if you are concerned about that?

[00:08:31]Craig Peterson: some things can be done, but you cannot use the standard software. We already know that the Norton antivirus and all these other basic antiviruses do not work. They don't protect you against modern threats. In fact, more than 70%.

[00:08:48] Of the threats this year on cannot be stopped by the wonderful little antivirus software we've had for years. So you have to move up to the next level. We're working right now with a small bank. Who's trying to really secure everything because of these sorts of problems. But I, If you are in a position where you are bigger targets than usual, you have to take extra steps.

[00:09:15] You have to use advanced malware protection. In all of these years, I've been securing computers out for 30 years. We have never, ever, I had a client that had ransomware, and we're talking about multinational clients all the way on, down through your local dentist. So it can. Done, but you can't just rely on the technology that was invented 20 years ago.

[00:09:39] Just top ad guys, but it is there, but you're going to have to Lord and get the right people involved. Craig. Thank you so much. Take care.